Exquisite woman dress up an important part do not ignore, that is your bag. Bags for women, in addition to the basic storage function, it can give the whole body shape icing on the cake, especially office workers woman, a delicate clutch bag in hand, will soon become intellectual and aesthetic .
To work is a serious and serious occasion, dressmanship should pay attention to generous decent, but if it is to wear a professional dress to cope with the workplace, it is too boring, how to neutralize it? It is better to try holding the bag and dress with it, this black dress in the hand with a black and white handbag, to add boring black and white professional wear a lot of vitality fashion.
The crush in the workplace which is capable of with a lot of pants or pants, how to increase the soft taste through a handbag to the pants? For example, this white shirt and black overalls with a business suit, with an orange and black line handbag as embellishment, and orange itself has a warm human heart, which in addition to eye-catching summer fashion eye-catching, but also for office workers woman Increase the soft intellectual temperament.
Source: Danby slave