Fuji Xerox Color Printer Receives 2017 China Design Award

Recently, the “2017 China Design Award” organized by the China Academy of Art and co-organized by the China Industrial Design Association was announced. The Fuji Xerox color printer/all-in-one DocuPrint CP318dw/ CM318z won the “ Intelligence Award ” for its smart and user- friendly innovative design . This is the only printer that won this award . As China's first Academy Award in the field of industrial design, the “ 2017 China Design Award” was selected from 2720 works from 39 countries and regions , representing the world's leading industrial design level.

    The “China Design Award” was established in 2015 to promote design and return to the “intelligent” origin, with a view to “collecting wisdom from one source to the next,” and the concept of changing lives through innovative design. The judges of the “ 2017 China Design Awards” consisted of 13 experts from 7 countries and regions . After several rounds of selection, 107 “Wisdom Awards” were selected .

      DocuPrint CP318dw / CM318z was first integrated into many of the leading technology and design of high-end equipment desktop laser printers, including the innovative 4.3 "color screen touch screen; a combination of smart phone operating mode, can be realized as operating intelligent terminal like clicks , Drag and other functions; users can also create their own unique operating interface according to their own habits and commonly used functions, just a key, you can directly access common functions, thereby simplifying the workflow and significantly improve work efficiency.

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